Singing Guide: The Panics

Singing Guide: The Panics

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Panics is an Australian indie rock band known for their eclectic mix of styles, innovative vocal technique, and subtle use of harmonies.

If you are looking to learn how to sing like The Panics, make sure to start with the basics. You may want to begin with Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test to determine your vocal range. Knowing your range is essential as The Panics feature a vocal style that is unique and a bit challenging to master.

One of the most distinctive aspects of The Panics is their use of layered harmonies. Practicing harmonies with the group’s music will improve your vocal control and help you understand the intricacies of their approach.

The Panics also use a range of singing styles from breathy, sweet-toned vocals to more hard-edged, powerful singing. These different techniques allow the band to create an array of emotions and atmospheres in their music. Practice with Singing Carrots' Pitch Accuracy Test to improve your accuracy with different styles of singing and pitch.

When it comes to performing like The Panics, make sure to study their available songs, delve into their lyrics, and analyze their style. You can find songs that fit your vocal range by using Singing Carrots' Song Search tool and explore the vocal ranges of over 5000 famous singers on Singing Carrots' Artists page.

Here are a few songs by The Panics that showcase their unique vocal style:

  • "Don't Fight It"
  • "Get Us Home"
  • "Kid You're A Dreamer"
  • "Majesty"
  • "Not Quite A Home"

Incorporating contemporary vocal techniques like heavy modal, twang, and belting can help you develop the power and range needed for The Panics' sound. Check out Singing Carrots' Contemporary Vocal Techniques: Heavy modal, Twang, Belting article to learn more about these techniques.

Remember to practice good breathing techniques and posture, as well as developing the skills of the brain, intuition, emotion, and thinking in singing. To help improve your singing, you can also take Singing Carrots' educational singing course.

Overall, learning to sing like The Panics involves developing your range, listening and analyzing their songs, and practicing with different styles of singing. Use these resources, and you’ll become one step closer to mastering the band's unique vocal style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.